4 Ways MultiCall is Useful for Sales Managers
Connecting with clients and potential clients has been one of the most central elements to sales. Clients and salesmen alike actively listen to one another and lead the conversation. This usually utilizes face-to-face conversation and body language to express themselves. Keeping this in mind, holding a group call is a completely different ball game for the sales managers.
The main issue that is faced would be that management would expect the sales force to sit down and carry out the needful with limited movement. To that extent, a suitable collaborative tool with a multitude of features would be expected to carry out such calls. MultiCall serves as one such tool. With the ability to call many like calling one, it proves useful to sales for the following reasons.
Assists preparations
As seen with effective conferencing, group calls ideally should not be held without having an agenda being set prior. There’s no room for face-to-face interactions, so more preparation time is required to organize a group call, especially to ensure that the customers remain engaged in the talk. Stricter guidance is required as well.
Without the ability to see the product, visual aids may need to be prepped and shared with them in advance. Negotiation rule-of-thumb usually says that an hour of preparation needs to happen for every anticipate minute of the discussion, so ideally the intended program should be sent to members of your sales team at least 2 days in advance. The aim of setting the agenda is to keep the meeting on task and clearly defines the purpose of the meeting.
Keeping all the above in mind, MultiCall assists in such preparation toward the coordination of the call itself. The Call Scheduling feature allows for setting the name, date and time of the call, as well as its duration. After all, time is money. Additionally, the Call Monitoring feature assists with the ability to add contacts. You can add contacts from your own phone directory one by one, or set them into frequently contacted groups and favourites as well.
Delaying a call, or arriving late can potentially risk losing the attention of team members and clients who are already on the call. Starting punctually and engaging immediately becomes of the essence. MultiCall’s Call Scheduling helps with this too, with the ability to auto-initiate the call at the designated time.
As seen with delivering a sales pitch, the first 30–40 seconds of the call are all you have to try and connect with your customers. So what would you do in that timeframe? Keeping the call on a strict schedule is necessary. It helps to be clear about the tasks, and know what you plan on presenting to the customer. The sales call is only as good as its clients being engaged in the course of action without digressing. Greater clarity means greater quality communication, and swifter action that can be taken.
Assists Group Calling without hassle.
Setting rules for the group calls becomes necessary in order to make them efficient and effective. This is considering possibilities such as how some people may hesitate to participate speak out about their opinions, as the involved response would differ from a face-to-face interaction.
Worse, it also can become confusing if too many individuals speak at the same time. This would make it difficult to identify who is talking. Normally a moderator and aspects such as PIN numbers allocated to each participant would be required. MultiCall’s Call Monitoring bypasses these issues, with the ability to mute yourself or others as necessary during the call.
Minimizes delays commonly associated with group calls.
The usual form of group calls usually involves Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and/or requires certain equipment typical of conferences. Setup and lagging issues with both can cause delays in the calls making it difficult to hear or understand what is discussed. Delays as a result can mean potential losses of a customer base you’re pitching to.
MultiCall has the ability to bypass telecom operators since infrastructure is compatible to all. All you require is a smartphone for downloading the app and starting a MultiCall. The call initiation is instantaneous. You can also receive a MultiCall on a landline; the call receivers do not require the app for them to receive the call.
In addition, rather than rely on VoIP alone, the call bridges VoIP with the traditional PSTN (Public Switch Telephone network). As a result, you can maintain your calls with a sound clarity that parallels that of landline calls, without interruptions.
Allows recording of the calls
It is difficult to know what went right or wrong in a sales pitch without any material to go over; and going merely by memory may not be reliable enough. Notes very much can help, but as the ability to take them during sales calls are limited, recording would be appropriate to allow analysis word-for-word.
MultiCall’s Call Monitoring helps here with the ability to record during calls. In the process, various scenarios are addressed.
Spotting Opportunities:
Like a game of cards where a player has a “tell”, the clients have a tell, too. Consider this scenario; a client may regularly confer or check with another partner in the call before responding. It’s probable that the decision-making would be run by said partner; making him the choice for sending follow up communications. In this manner, recording would help in getting to know the work culture of a company that is participating in said conference call; helping to optimize future interactions.
Setting a platform for training
Setting newer sales employees toward training for such conference calls would be facilitated with access to such recordings. Of course, in standard procedure like with customer care calls, clients need to be made aware of the recording and its reason.
Optimizing a sales pitch with multiple individuals comes down to using the right tools, and deploying the right tactics. This is especially considering that each pitch method has its own elements to optimize the customer experience with. With a tool like MultiCall, sales managers have the capacity to continue their pitch with ease, and reach more, now.