Time is money, yet money cannot buy time. Time management is critical to a company’s success, from optimizing operational productivity to the difference between delight and dissatisfied clients.
For the company’s various departments, time efficiency can help improve performance and productivity. So, how can you manage your time more efficiently? Follow these six time management best practices to eliminate time waste:
Write It Down
You’d find it easier if you put all your shopping items on a list, rather than have it all memorized. Similarly, putting all of your targets, objectives, deadlines, and deliverables in your head, along with all of your other thoughts, will inevitably result in you forgetting something important.
The current Work From Home situation can cause your mind to be cluttered, seemingly unable to settle down. So write down your to-do’s. It can be a standard list, a spreadsheet on a computer, or have an app that will allow you to stay organized.
Listing all items off your head and onto a paper or document will allow for greater focus on the tasks at hand, without the bothersome feeling that you’re missing out on something important.
Choose a Prioritization Strategy
From a simple number or letter based ranking on paper lists, to a stage-by-stage Kanban board, there are a variety of ways in which you can get to prioritize tasks. Which one you use depends on the complexity of the tasks you are looking to manage and finish.
Sometimes just a simple reminder will do for certain tasks like sending an email. In other projects with multiple deliverables under them and many people to interact and depend on, a more complex tool or real-time spreadsheet may be required.
Block out time for regularly occurring tasks
You’d find that some of your tasks during the course of the week are repetitive. Be it about scheduling the regular posts for social media, setting the agenda for a weekly review meeting, we all have a standard, set list of tasks that we need to complete each and every week.
Since the tasks are consistent like that, set aside a consistent block of time as well for them. It’s also important to mark this on your calendar so other members of your team understand your workload as well.
If It Will Take Less Than 15 Minutes, Do It Immediately
Not everyone’s created equal. That said, no tasks are equal either. Some deliverables may require a whole week to complete, others can be done in just a minute. If there’s a deliverable that comes your way and you know it can be done within 15 minutes, finish it off right away!
Many a drop of water makes an ocean, and many of these little tasks can build up and clutter, so clearing them off your list as soon as they come will clear space in your mind to focus on larger tasks at hand.
Manage your many calls
Deliverables are easy to list, execute and clear off. Calls, however are a bit more complex. Meeting times are not set in stone, and can vary depending on the situation during a given business day .
For this, a good tool would be needed, not just in the ability to call many, but to also effectively schedule or handle calls instantly depending on the situation. That’s where MultiCall comes in as a solution.
A MultiCall, brings people together, and gives everyone the right and ability to contribute value to the conversation. In doing so, one of its most noted features is Call Scheduling, the handling of which you can explore here. You can also explore our tips to schedule productively here.
Manage Your Stress
It may not seem immediately related to time management, but stress in the workplace can and does impact it more than we think. How? Stress or burnout at work will often take place when we take on more work than we may actually be able to manage (or more than what we may have originally estimated).
Pile your personal stress on top of that, and you can stand to affect your physical health too. As a result you’d become fatigued, and lose motivation. The loss of motivation in turn affects your productivity, and therein your time management will be negatively affected as well. Take a walk, do yoga, or something creative to take your mind off your troubles. Bottom line, take a few breaks throughout your work day .
Maximizing the leverage on how much you can manage in the time you’re given is the key to your success. Increasing the amount of work you complete by delegating to other people, outsourcing key tasks. This will free you up to achieve your goals.. Remember, you can always ask for help! It’s human nature to become stressed, so actively work it back! Improving your time management skills at work will leave you finding yourself enjoying your free time as well.